Adventurers Guild

The Adventurers Guild

{{ sectionTitle }}
Welcome      Ethics      Members
Main Demo




A warm Adventurers Guild welcome!

The Adventurers Guild is proud to welcome you -back- to their site. As you can see, we -again- have our own spot here at Yeah that's right baby, we're back! Older, bigger, better and -as always- looking for fun, friendship and adventurers!

-- And who are you guys and girls you ask? --

Well -in short- The Adventurers Guild is a group of like-minded players that like different MMORPG's. Across the different games our different members play, the same set of general rules apply and the same spirit of friendship, loyalty and 'lets have fun together'-atitude can be found. No matter what game, if you see an Adventurers Guild that behaves according to that mindset... you can pretty much be sure it's us.

-- And how did it all start? --

Well, although we can be found on different games, it was Blizzard's World of Warcraft that first brought us together and as you can see, even after countless hours of nightly gaming hours, we're still alive and kicking! The realm we call home for our Alliance characters is the Sporeggar realm (RP-PVP). Our proud Adventurers Guild members are listed in the members section, together with a link to the Armory and maybe more to come.

-- I must say, this looks good! --

It does doesn't it! If you feel like meeting us online or even join us in our adventurers, don't hesitate to log on and throw is a /wave or a /whisper. It's all that it takes to start having fun and to create a new friendship!




Achievement Points

Class Guides

Death Knight







Demon Hunter






Game Promo Demo


Game Promo Demo


Game Promo Demo





Beast Mastery

Beast Mastery





























































Adventurers Guild: ethics and rules

-- Ethics & Rules --

The Adventurers Guild is a group of like minded players whose desire a social and friendly environment in which to play the game of World of Warcraft. It is NOT the intention of this guild to be a hardcore raiding/PVP/RP guild. We do however specialize in having fun and being a respected guild on the Sporregar realm (and far beyond). However, raids, instances, battlegrounds and RP events are part of the game and will/can become guild events of this guild. When participating these events, please remember that we will always start these event from the "look at us noobs having fun" point of view. This does not mean that slacking is allowed 😂

Another purpose of this guild is helping each other in game, by giving advice on items, guidance on how to play or providing a helping hand with a quest. This does not incline that high level or more powerful/experienced players will always have to boost our lower level members. Additionaly, don't forget that the guild is not the only source of information. The internet is filled with great sites and forums that contain loads of information and help. Even certain addons can help you gather the information you need. Information and help can be asked, but can not always be given nor demanded.

In general, The Adventurers Guild has always been a guild that holds values like honor, friendship, respect and dignity high up in its ranks. We want to be recognised as the "good guys" (and girls) when we go out and venture into the lands or when we stroll around in a city. Our guild name should say enough about us as players so always remember that beneath your name our guild name is mentioned. When you do or say something in public or in a group, be aware that you are not the only one that can feel the consequences of your actions. If you hurt the guild, you hurt all of us! Good news travels fast, bad news even faster.

High level players with better gear and stuff or officers are just the same as a low level new player. We treat everyone with the respect they earn. The main difference between officers and lower ranks in guild, is the amount of responsibility the officers have. Although everyone is responsible for the wellbeing of the guild, officers have the responsibility and the duty to monitor the guild and guide, educate, organise and interfere whenever needed. The guild leader monitors the officers and looks out for all the members.

Sometimes decisions need to be made. These decisions will be made by the officers and the guild leader. Because we are no elite military regime, all members will be consulted through guild chat or forum in due time and when needed. Every member can react or come with ideas and they will be looked at and investigated. The members will respect the decisions of the officers and the guild leader at all times. Orders from the guild leader or the officers must be obeyed to maintain order within our large guild. The guild leader and the officers on the other hand will respect and listen to all opinions from the guild members at all time. Don't forget, all members work together to have fun!

-- General --

  • Bad mouthing ANY member of the guild or the guild itself in guild chat or on public channels is stricktly forbidden! If you have an issue with another guild member, talk to the player first. If this would not be possible or if the issue is to severe, you can talk to an officer or the guild leader for help or advice. Note: bad mouthing other players in general is not allowed either as this can harm the guild's reputation.
  • All members are expected to treat their fellow guild members with respect and dignity at all times. No harassing, belittling, stalking or any other behaviour that disrupts the guild's continuity will be allowed.
  • Petty arguments and disagreements will not be tolerated and need to be settled in private channels. In case you can not get out, you can call on an officers that will try to help solving the situation at hand.
  • When you don't like a guild member, don't go picking fights with him or her. And don't put him/her on /ignore. We're all normal players with normal intellect so we can work it all out. You don't need to be best friends, but respect is a great start. Giving respect to the others may gain some respect back.
  • Spammers, goldsellers, bots and any other form of cheating: they destroy the game. So whenever you have the chance to do so, report them to blizzard!
  • We follow the game-rules like Blizzard intended them to be followed. Anything that is in conflict with the game rules will not be tolerated.

-- Guild Chat --

  • Guild chat is generally out of character and in the English language. This channel can be used to ask questions, chat about the game or real life stuff, ask for help or offer some services. This will be the main channel the guild members use to communicate with each other.
  • Guild chat can sometimes be a crazy place where people often feel free to express themselves. This is encouraged so, as long as it stays within certain boundries, don't pick on people or insult them for doing so. If someone is an idiot they will make that very clear by themselves, no need to help them pointing it out.
  • Freedom of speech: everybody has a right to express themselves, but do not insult or antagonise your guild mates. A joke may be fine, but learn when to back off and always apologise if you take things to far and offend somebody.
  • Racism, sexism, homophobia and any other type of discrimination will not be tolerated neither in game nor in real life. If you really can't live with 'those people', then you aren't a part of the right guild and you will be asked to leave. Note that your real life posts on social media (or e.g. the Blizzard forum) need to follow this rule to. If needed, you will be reported to Blizzard and/or other appropriate instances. Discrimination is simply not tolerated... ever!
    As for chatting about (your) religion, note that it can be a topic to handle with care and caution. Keyword here is respect and allowing people to have a different opion on the matter.
  • The use of caps and 'usefull' exclamations marks (LAGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) or other similar writings should be kept to a minimum.
  • When entering or leaving the realm (waking up, going to sleep, ...) it's also considered polite to let the rest of the guild know. A simple hello and a goodnight can work like a charm. Congratulating members when the reach a new level or when they have a new achievement is highly appreciated.
  • The following rule will only apply when one or more guild members is underaged and our guild no longer only consists of adult players. If this would be the case, try to maintain some propriety and beware when you send some more 'adult' content to the guild in guild chat or to that guild member in private chat.

-- Public Channels --

  • When you use the public in-game channels be aware that you are under the world of warcraft rules.
  • Also be aware that you carry your guild name around every where you go. When interacting with others in public channels always be polite and respectful. This will help you a lot when asking for help or if you want to sell an item. Note that the rules about discrimination also apply in public channels!
  • When interacting or posting on the wow-website or other related websites or forums always remember that you are a member of the Adventurers Guild.
  • Like in guild chat and as already mentioned in the general-part: no harassing of flaming will be aloud.

-- Website and Discord --

  • Link to the website is On this website every member can have his/her own page. This page can contain your background-RP-story. You can write them down and send them to our webmaster. The gnomes will make sure it gets posted on the site.
  • On our Discord channels, the same guild ethics will apply. Additional or Discord specific ethics will be mentioned in the General channel.
  • An rp-background-story is highly appreciated but not required

-- Promotions & Ranks --

  • First of all: promotions are earned and granted, not asked for.
  • Ranks are the following: Scout - Adventurer - World Venturer - World Wanderer. Following ranks have other purposes: Alt - asleep - officer's alt.
  • Scout: the first rank a new member gets when he/she enters our guild. They will stay on this rank for 2 weeks. This has two reasons. First reason is for us to get to know our new member and to find out if he/she is Adventurers Guild material. Second reason is for our new member to get to know us and to find out if Adventurers guild is the guild he/she is looking for. The officers and leader can decide to extend the initiate period by a maximum of two weeks. At the end of the (extended) period, a decision will be made. Or you will get a promotion to Adventurer or you will be asked to leave.
  • Adventurer: full membership has been granted and you are considered a proud member of AG. This also means that you have read and accepted our rules and ethics and will play and behave accordingly. A Discord registration is not required but highly appreciated from this rank on.
  • World Venturer: The guild officers. When there is an open spot among the officers, all members can apply for it. The World Wanderer together with the other World Venturers will decide who will get the spot. Members have the right to ask for reasons behind the promotion. For the officers rank, a Discord account is required.
  • World Wanderer: the guildleader. When a change in leadership is at hand, all members will have the change to apply.

-- Guild Raid or Mythic+ runs --

  • We are not a full, pro Raiding/Mythic+ guild, but if you want to come raiding with The Adventurers Guild, there are some rules to follow.
  • Make sure you have the minimum reguirements for your gear. Although we emphasis on having fun and learning as we go, we don't want to lose time or wipe all the time because off undergeared people. A few guild HC runs can help in this case.
  • In addition to the previous point, if you wish to raid with us, please enchant and gem all your equipement. We don't expect everyone to be in full raid gear but everyone can enchant and gem there gear. Ask around in guild chat as we have some members with the JC/enhanting profession.
  • We learn as we go, but reading up on the boss tactis before you join the raid is highly appreciated.
  • We have a discord server. If possible, we expect you to join us there, even if it is only on a 'listen only' mode. More info can be found in the guild info.
  • Be on time! If you're late without notification, your spot might be taken. And it's also a sign or respect to the other guild members.
  • Bring buffs and mats for buffing if possible. Prepare in advance and don't assume other people will do it all for you. Food, reagents, flasks, elixirs, ... They all are very handy.
  • Looting: in most cases, one of the raidleaders will be lootmaster. All members that can use the item can roll for a drop. Main spec will have have priority on offspec. Questions or problems on the loot will be handled in normal chat. Raidleaders and officers will have the final saying in case people can't solve it among themselves. If you lose the roll, congratulate the winner and don't whine about it.

-- Role-playing --

  • Always remember that we live on an RP-realm. We recommend communicating with others in /yell, /say, ... to be in character. A good way to do this is to keep in mind how you act and speak in real life. I never met someone that says lol or wtf in real life conversation...
  • We have some good role-players in the guild. Ask them for advice or try to learn form them.
  • Even when role-playing, especially when roleplaying, you have to keep in mind the honor and dignity or the Adventurers Guild.

-- Naming policy --

  • Because we live, work, play and quest on a RP-realm, the members of The Adventurers Guild will need to obey the naming policy. New members with offensive or inapropriated names can and will be refused for not following the rules. Players with inapropriate names will be reported to Blizzard.
  • More information about the naming (and other) policies can be found here

-- Guild Bank and guild trading --

  • The resources of the guild bank -which can be accessed according to your current guild rank- are created by guild members donations. They are free to use but unfortunatelly not endless, so a personal donation (item, some gold, mats, ..) is highly appreciated when using the guild bank. This will allow us to keep the guild filled with some useful goodies.
  • When you take out items or gear from the guild bank you have the intention of using or wearing then. Taking items from the guild bank to sell for pure personal profit will be not allowed and will result in an immediate guild kick.
  • The guild bank is not the auction house. Items are donated, not sold.
  • The guild bank is a not the extension of your personal bank. Don't go putting stuff in, call it yours and take it out after a few days. When donated, the guild becomes the owner of the item.
  • The guild bank is a bank, not a trash can. Don't put random greys or useless, worthless stuff in the guild bank. It consumes space that is very expensive.
  • When trading with guild members always keep the price to a minimum. An item always has a cost in mats, but no hard profit should be made on the back of guild members. And giving something away and getting a 'thank you'-fee feels good to. Maybe one day you will return the favour...

-- Guild activities --

  • Once in a while The Adventurers guild will organise a guild activity. Attendance is not required but very much requested and enjoyed.
  • Planning of these activities will be done by using guild chat, gmotd, Discord and/or the ingame calender.
  • Planning these activities are is mostly done by the (dedicated) officers or the leader of the guild. This does not incline that other members can't organise or plan guild activities.

-- Alts --

  • When you have a main character in the guild you can have an alt. Always make sure that you mention your main's name in the public note so guild members will know who is whos alt. Additionaly, to make chat a bit easier if your char names are not consistent, you could make use of an addon like Incognito.
  • Alts have the same responsibility as the main char. Actions that cause harm to the player or the guild will sometimes have consequences on the main char to.

-- So, you're a new member --

  • Get a guild tabard
  • Get on Discord, visit our guild site and read the rules!
  • When you first enter the guild you will get your starting rank. From that day on you are a member of the Adventurers Guild and you need to act according to the rules. The officer that invited you will also guide you trough our rules and –if needed- accompany you trough your first days in our guild.

-- Offline-time --

  • For Scouts: 14 days offline means you can get kicked from the guild cause of inactivity.
  • For Adventurers (because they have allready proven themselves a bit) this maximum offline time is set to 1 month.
  • World Venturers will be placed in the Asleep-rank after 1 month and that maximum for 1 month. If they don't alert the guild about it, they might get replaced as officer. If this is the case, then they won't get there rank back when coming back online. Officers need to be active!
  • Without previous message all members in asleep will be kicked after a month. If you will be offline due to school, work, ... for a longer period, let us know in advance!
  • If you log on again after beeing off for weeks or months and you no longer are in the guild, just type /who adventurers guild and see if you find the guild again.
  • Guild leader and officers can always bend these rules on special occasions and extent or shorten the allowed offline time. Note that being active on Discord from time to time can be enough to keep you in our ranks. Being offline does not mean that you're no longer a member or our guild!

-- So, you're leaving… --

  • Well, see you later my friend….
  • When you're leaving it's always polite to say goodbye to your guild members. Also let one of the officers know why you are leaving. Maybe you leave for a reason that we can fix.
  • When you have an alt in the guild he can be asked to leave to or he can be asked to stay and given an appropriate rank. This will be discussed with officers, guild leader and player. All will depend on the reason and circumstances for leaving.

-- What not to do! --

  • Well, kind off everything that could harm the Adventurers Guild or one of it's members.
  • Begging: Do not ask strangers for free goods, services or money. It is annoying, uncool, and it tarnishes the Guild as a whole. It will never be tolerated!
  • Cheating or stealing: There will never, ever, ever be any excuse for this that won't get you immediately booted from the guild when we find out that these accusation are correct. We can not emphasize this enough.
  • Antisocial Behavior: Don't take advantage of new or low players. Don't overcharge for things, lie, or attempt auction house scams. Anything that reflects badly on the guild will not be tolerated, you are our representitive and if you cause us loss of status on the server we are not going to be pleased about it.
  • Don't proselytize your religion or your politics, if you are on a mission to convert the unbelievers to Cathulu or Ralph Nader, find another guild. There is a lot of discussion about using derogatory comments, "gay" "fag" "nigger" and such. We are not the most politically correct guild, and shit happens in guild chat, but refrain from using these kinds of terms, especially in public and with non-guild members. If you really hate homosexuals, women, people of ethnicity, ... we don't need you here.

-- Penalties and warnings --

  • Several warnings can and will be given when needed. It's the duty of the officers and the guild leader to do this. It's the duty of members to report anything that can result in a warning so that the officers and the guild leader can investigate the report.
  • Warnings can be given in guild chat or in whisper and need to be taken very seriously
  • When warnings don't work or when the harm to the guild is to great the player will be asked to leave.
  • When things are to bad, the player and all of his alts will be kicked. If there is an infliction with the rules implemented by Blizzard, that person will be reported.

Our Proud Members

Our gnomes are checking the data... one moment please.

{{ }}

{{ member.classLabel }} - {{ member.level }}

{{ member.profile.active_title }} {{ }}

{{ member.profile.active_spec }} {{ member.profile.class }}

Unfortunately, there is currently no background story available.

Note to {{ }}: contact me in-game if you want to add your story here

Some facts about {{ }}

  • Gender: {{ member.profile.gender }}
  • Faction: {{ member.profile.faction }}
  • Race: {{ member.profile.race }}
  • Class & Spec: {{ member.profile.active_spec }} {{ member.profile.class }}
  • Realm: {{ member.profile.realm }}
  • Guild: {{ member.profile.guild }}
  • Level: {{ member.profile.level }}
  • Achievement Points: {{ member.profile.achievement_points }}
  • Average Item Level: {{ member.profile.average_item_level }}
  • Covenant: {{ member.profile.covenant }}
  • Renown: {{ member.profile.renown_level }}